My books: Die Papierfabrik – La Cartiera – Nebel über Durban – Nebbia su Durban – E38

E38                             ISBN 978-3-033-07681-5 (in German)

Publisher and Distribution: The Paper Factory by Sina Merino
Contact via Twitter @SinaMerino, via Instagram sina.merino.3 or via

Die Papierfabrik      ISBN 978-3-906112-33-6
La Cartiera (ital.)     ISBN 978-3-906112-35-0 (2nd edition) Publisher and Distribution: The Paper Factory by Sina Merino

Nebel über Durban ISBN 978-3-906112-09-1
Nebbia su Durban   ISBN 978-3-033-09496-3 Publisher and Distribution: The Paper Factory by Sina Merino

Publisher and Distributor: @ Zumsteg Druck AG, Fritech-Park, Untere Grubenstrasse 1, 5070 Frick / Switzerland
Contact: Benjamin Zumsteg CEO, phone +41 62 865 40 94, is an official publisher and member of the Swiss Book Association

La Cartiera (ital.)    ISBN 978-88-99509-16-3 (3rd edition with foreword of Giuseppe D’Angelo, professor of contemporary history at University of Salerno/I)

Publisher and Distributor: @ Casa Editrice Paguro, Via Ferrovia 70, 84085 Mercato San Severino (SA)/Italy
Contact: Michele Citro CEO, phone 0039 089 821723,

Edizioni Paguro is an official publisher and member of the Italian Book Association

the fastest way-online-orders via or
the traditional way – at your bookshop, ask your bookseller!
the personal way – get a signed copy on following dates:

in Switzerland:
22.1.22 Meeting Schweizer Schreibfrauen @ Aarau
21.4.22 Reading @ Wier Seisler, Tafers (Canton Fribourg)
28.4.22 Culinary Reading @ Luca’s Bottega Hägglingen – postponed to September, due to a virus to my vocal cords!
18.5.22 Schweizer Vorlesetag – Swiss National Reading Day – declined, due to a virus to my vocal cords!
30.6.22 Reading with Alpakas @ Wädis Farm Hunzenschwil – confirmed, as long as my voice is fully back.

in Italy/other countries:
Due to pandemic – on hold!


Books already sold to these countries: Argentina, Brazil, Dubai, France, Germany, Italy, South Africa, Spain, Switzerland, Tunisia, Uruguay & USA! 

© 2003 – 2022 Sina Merino – The Paper Factory Productions. All rights reserved – Alle Rechte vorbehalten.

26.8.24 SprachROHR Nr. 42 – Interview with Gerardina Cacioppo / Die Signora auf dem Velo

or „The Lady on bike“ – it was lovely to interview Gerardina for our district magazine. She lives one stone throw away from me, but we know each other for many years as my cousin has married a niece of her. The interview is in german language and can be read via this link www. on page 16. There’s a full interview in italian language and issued by the august magazine „La Sorgente“, I’m there part of the editorial staff as well.

Grazie mille Gerardina for your heartwarming words all the time and your hospitality!

25.5.24 – Happy Birthday Auntie Anna!

Happy Birthday dearest Auntie Anna for your 90 springs, wishing you other ones filled with good health! Thanks from the bottom of my heart, having had perpetuated your magic story into ink!!
La Cartiera / Die Papierfabrik / The Paper Factory will stay my most emotional written work!!!

15.3.2024 SprachROHR Nr. 41 – Interview with The Monsters

It was great fun to interview these nice guys, one of them lives just a stone’s throw away from me – Ralph Triebold is the sound engineer of the band. Currently they’re touring through the States and I heard them in a club in Zurich – it was very, very…but very loud even with plugs!! You can read this thrilling interview by clicking on the QR-Code – in German language!

10.3.2024 SprachROHR Nr. 41 Interview mit Dr Marc Philip Seidel

It was a great pleasure to interview Dr Marc Philip Seidel, director of the Museum Burghalde in Lenzburg/Switzerland. We know each other for many years about some common projects. In this issue he reveals the history of the Turm Rore in Aarau (tower dated in early middle age), what our district has in common with. Currently there’s an exposition held at the museum „Sagenzauber“ (Magic legends) curated by Marc. You can discover more and acceed to the interview by clicking on the QR-Code – it’s in German!

Nr. 107 La Sorgente – Interview with Larissa Donatiello

I’m proud about the interview in this issue with Larissa Donatiello, she’s Swiss shooting champ and the daughter of my Cousin Stefano Donatiello. Our families have roots in Caposele. Larissa career is being shaped at the National Sports Centre in Magglingen/Switzerland and she busy with championship all over Europe and the world. Her target will be the Olympic Games 2028 in Los Angeles USA. The interview is in Italian language!

A BIG Thank you!

A BIG THANK you as always to my family, friends and: Pino DietikerAzadeh EshaghiAlexander EstisElisa Forte & editorial staff @LaSorgente & Pro Loco Caposele, Astrid Gautschi & editorial staff @SprachROHR, Zenergy Karin Guzzetta Czt, Janina Minder & Kaninchenauffangstation, Kantonsbibliothek Aarau, Daniel Schmid @Aargauer Kantorei, Schweizer Schreibfrauen, Marcello Wernli and last but not least my niece Seraina!

24.11.2023 SprachROHR Nr. 40 – Interview with Daniel Schmid

The X-Mas issue of our district Rohr is out with a very crissy interview I held with Daniel Schmid, musical director of the Aargauer Kantorei (Cantorium of the Swiss Canton Aargau). He regularly performs in Germany and Czech Republic. On page 41 you can read the interview or directly via the QR-Code below: (there won’t be any translation in English!)

20.10.23 In Memoriam of Gerardo Ceres

It’s an indescribably feeling to have heard about the passing of Gerardo. Years ago he helped me in the Italian adaption of „Die Papierfabrik“ (The Paper Factory). The Italian magazine La Sorgente – for which I regularly write some reviews – asked me to write about the course of things… how we met and how we worked together over a distance of 1000 miles…I pay respect to his dear ones by expressing my condolences.

4.8.23 Buch-Premiere „Aarauer Kurzgeschichten“

It took several months to celebrate the launch of the anthology „Aarauer Kurzgeschichten“ (Shortstories of Aarau) at the Canton library in Aarau managed by Pino Dietiker and Alexander Estis, both members of the Literarische Aarau. Some of the authors had the pleasure to read out of the book and a special performance was Andrey Fedorchenko’s one in russian language.

The event was well visited and some of the authors were there too. The anthology is in german language and will not be traduced.