I was honoured to meet Mrs Margrith Zinggeler in the occasion of the well-known literature days in Solothurn. Mrs Zinggeler contacted me nearly one year ago and we stayed in contact for the coming months via e-mail. During this time she presented my written work at various conventions, I felt really honoured about that, you can read about that in the topic „University of Michigan“.
This much more, that we finally could match a meeting here, as Mrs Zinggeler has Swiss roots. We met in a restaurant and I got interviewed by her about my writing, how my stories emerge, how I use to write, my influences, about my italian roots and where I really feel at home, what kind of stories do fascinating me, which people fascinates me, etc.
I told her as well about my vision of a filming of my book, how it should come out and with who I would like to realize it, I can imagine a kind of documentary by interviewing the protagonists of the book, with some cuttings as flash-backs from archives material. I’m aware, that the production of a movie goes into millions, but I’d like to see a low-budget production, in the meaning „reduce to the max“, so if there’s any blog-reader out there interested to emerge in the world of producing movies/documentaries, don’t hesitate to contact me ;o)
Margrith and me: we had a wonderful talk together,
at the end I was given from her a packet of wild rice
from Minnesota, where she lives and I gave her
swiss chocolate and italian delicacies